How to Show a Warning Message to Users When They Try to Close Your Website


Have you ever been working on a website or filling out a form online, only to accidentally hit the close button and lose all your progress? It’s frustrating and can lead to a poor user experience. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening on your own website by showing a warning message to users when they try to close the window. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to implement this functionality using Angular.

Warning Message to Users

To show a warning message to users when they try to close your website, you can use the window.beforeunload event. This event fires when the user attempts to close the window, and allows you to show a confirmation message to the user. Here’s how you can implement this functionality in Angular:

Here is the video tutorial

Example code to show a warning message to users;

import { Component, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `<p>Some content here...</p>`,
export class AppComponent {
  @HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
  unloadNotification($event: any) {
    $event.returnValue = '';

  @HostListener('window:unload', ['$event'])
  beforeunload($event: any) {
    // Do cleanup here, if necessary

In this example, we use the @HostListener decorator to listen to the window:beforeunload event. We prevent the default behavior of the event by calling $event.preventDefault(), and set the returnValue property of the event to an empty string. This will trigger a confirmation message asking the user if they want to leave the page.

Additionally, we listen to the window:unload event to perform any necessary cleanup before the window is closed.

Note that some browsers may not allow you to fully prevent the user from closing the window, so this approach may not work in all cases. You should generally avoid preventing users from closing the window, as it can be intrusive and may result in a poor user experience.

For more details, visit the official site of Angular.

Application Source Code @ LearnSmartCoding GitHub

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By implementing a warning message to users when they try to close your website, you can help prevent users from accidentally losing their progress and improve their overall experience on your site. While it’s important to consider the user experience and not be too intrusive with these messages, this functionality can be a useful addition to any website.

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